Balakrishna Samy
Naadi Astrology

Welcome everyone to GURUJI Balakrishna Samy’s Naadi Astrology Service Centre. He is one of the Chief Naadi Astrologer since last 25 plus years in Delhi. He has provided his services from South India of Tamil Nadu.

About Naadi Astrology

Naadi Astrology has been one of the most accurate ways of predicting an individual’s future life events.

Naadi Shastra has immensely benefited people, not only in India but all across the globe
The Naadi Astrology is based on the ancient and secret inscriptions etched on “Palm Leaf’ that are commonly known as “Naadi Astrology”. It was founded by ancient Indian Sages using their spiritual wisdom to show the infinity of life in India.
These Rishis were holy sages who controlled the five senses and concentrated on the divine being Paramātmā. They possess spiritual powers that far exceeded that of ESP people. Using these divine power they were able to recognise the events of life ahead of the time and space.
Using this fore sight, Rishis like Agastya, Atri, Bhardwaja, Gautama, Jamadagni, Vashistha, and Vishvamitra  have given prediction for all the human life on earth.

Guruji Balakrishna Samy is providing the same divine service of Naadi Astrology to people of Delhi since past 25 years in hope of making each and every person live a happy, peaceful, progressive and cheerful life.

Guruji Balakrishna Samy, The best Naadi Astrologer

25+ Years of Naadi Astrology Service in Delhi

Every one wan’t to know of what the destiny has in store and if one can discover what is written about our past and future, then he/she can better manage the upcoming situations in life and make it more happier.
Guruji Balakrishna Samy provides the divine service of Naadi Astrology to people of Delhi since past 25 years in hope of making each and every person live a happy, peaceful, progressive and cheerful life.

History of Naadi Astrology

The Origin and History of Naad Astrology explained by Guruji Balakrishna Samy

Origin of Naadi Astrology


Naadi Astrology has its origin in Tamil Nadu, a state in India. Rishi Agasthiya, who had a highly developed consciousness, wrote the leafs in ancient Tamil Script. The Naadi leaves were initially stored in the premises of Thanjur Saraswati Mahal library by the great king Sartaj ji (II), the king of Thanjur.

The leafs are written in ancient Tamil lips and can only be understood by a well trained and experienced Naadi Astrologer like Guruji Balakrishna Samy.

During the British rule, the britishers showed interest in palm leaf for developing hearts and medicines and for future prediction. Some leaves got destroyed during the conflict bu remaining were auctioned. The Astrologer families got access to the palm leaves and kept them safe. These were passed down the generations and the art of palm leaf reading was kept alive.

Principles of Naadi Reading

The features of Naadi Astrology is different from other Hundu Astrology systems. As per Nadu Jyotish principles, the zodiac is divided into twelve equal sub-division of signs with equal subdivision of the 27 Nakshatras or constellations. Further these stars are subdivided into unequal sub lords. Under Naadi Jyotish, the sub lords is stronger than Nakshtra and the Nakshtra is stronger than the planet.

The sub lords form the basis of Naadi Jyotish and which is based on the belief that the past, present and future lives of all human being were foreseen by Hindu sages (Rishi) in ancient times and written down as palm leaf manuscripts which are mostly familiar in Vaitheeswaran Koil, India. In Naadi Astrology, these palm leafs are catalogues per the signs on the thumb print. For each thumb impression there are likely to be around five to six bundles; each bundle containing 50 to 100 leaves.

The seeker’s thumb print is used to approximately locate the closest bundle of leaves. For male the right hand thumb and for female the leafs hand thumb impression is used in Naadi Jyotish. After obtaining the thumb print of the aspirant, it is handed over by the Naadi Jyotish reader at the library. Scientifically the whirls and loops of each finger print are different and it is nearly impossible to replicate the same on print, in the Naadi Jyotish the thumb line is classified to 108 types. The best matching palm leaf bundle is then read. To confirm that the right leaf has been found, the Naadi reader has to read out a prediction statement from the first leaf to the seeker. If the seeker agrees then the reader will read out the second statement to continue to verify the exact match of extracted leaf. If the statement does not hold true for the seeker, the Naadi reader will read the prediction from next leaf. This process of confirmatory reading out is repeated until the right leaf is found.

The process can be quite laborious as the Naadi reader has to go through a number of leaves to find the exact match for the seeker. Sometimes the process of locating the exact leaf can takes from weeks to months and full cooperations of seeker is required. Once the exact match is located, the reader begins to read from the leaf describing the seeker’s life in detail. As the leafs are written and read in Tamil language, an interpreter helps in describing the life events to the seeker in preferred language.

Images and facts about Palm Leaf Astrology

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